Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life

Pope Francis wrote Amoris Laetitia (2016) to remind us that healthy/holy marriages and families are the essential foundation stones of the Kingdom of God and healthy civil societies.  He shared his concern that too many divorces ~ and petitions for annulment ~ are taking place in our Church.  His recommended solution?

Acknowledge that our marriage preparation programs are “too little and too late”.  Pope Francis asks us to learn from our experience of establishing the Catechumenate for adults (RCIA) to develop “Catechumenal Pathways for Marriage” which will include these key elements:

  1. Remote preparation for marriage & family life begins with Parenting programs that teach parents healthy relationship skills their kids will learn by following their example.
  2. Then JrHI and SrHi programs to help young people practice effective communication skills for use in discerning their Life Journey. 
  3. Proximate marriage preparation helps Young Adults discerning marriage to dialogue and share about their families of origin to learn intimacy skills before getting engaged to marry.
  4. Immediate marriage preparation makes use of a Sponsor Couple ® ministry team willing to share their own marriage & family life with those preparing for marriage, and follow-up with them through the early years of their marriage.

Parishes can make use of For Better & For Ever ® to implement what Pope Francis is recommending in the Catechumenal Pathways for Married Life from the Dicastery of Laity, Family and Life in Rome (2022).  You can also call Rob Ruhnke at 210-557-3660 or email me at for more information and conversation about how to help your diocese or parish move forward with what Pope Francis is asking us to provide in our parishes.  My personal notes about "Catechumenal Pathways for Mariage" > Rob's Notes


"The Sponsor Couple ® process is the most effective path to stronger, faith based marriages, within the parish community, passing down through generations of Catholic couples. And this well-developed approach is already readily and inexpensively available for any parish, in multiple languages, across many nations.”  Deacon Chuck & Carolyn Lamar, Archdiocese of Denver CO


John & Sharon sponsored Christa & Todd.  They also
sponsored Todd's parents.  Fr. Ruhnke was the priest for
Todd's parent's wedding, now for Todd & Christa. 

Todd & Christa are already involved as a sponsor couple.
Here they are meeting with Matt and Margaret.  They also
help with the training of new sponsor couples.

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