kind of “Catechumenate for Marriage”

When Pope Francis and those of us who have been designing marriage preparation programs talk about the need for a "catechumenate for marriage" we are using a non-technical term.   The term catechumenate technically refers to the historical reality of the early Church creating a structure of formation and rites for assisting adults to prepare for Baptism and then live their lives as disciples of Jesus.  The term "catechumenate for marriage" is being used to address a need that has become urgent in the 21st century, namely, to assist couples who who are asking to married in the Church to learn how to live the realiity of Christian Marriage.  It is not enough to simply go through the ritual of a Church wedding; it is essential to master the spiritual & phychological skills that enable couples to live this "intimate relationship of life and love....for richer or for poorer, for better or for worse, no matter what....all the days of their lives."

Christian Marriage has always been the foundation of the Church, but it is only in the 21th century that we are witnessing the added challenge of so many people growning up in families led by individuals and couples who have experienced the divorce of their parents or their siblings.  When young people are parented by single parents or divorced parents, their Family of Origin may not be able to show them two spouses functioning together in a healthy/holy relationship. 

Pope Francis is directing us to develop NEW methods of marriage preparation that can meet couples "where they are at"....and assist them in learning skills that may have been missing in their Family of Origin.  That is the goal of our effort to talk about "catechumenal pathways into marriage."  For Better & For Ever  has been designed to address this need! >

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