2 - Canon Law & Sponsor Couple ™ ministry for Matrimony.

By Rob Ruhnke                                     11-30-2020

Canon Law (Canon 872-874) & Commentary articulates the responsibilities of Sponsors (Godparents) and the prerequisites for selecting them for Baptism.  Can these canons help us define SPONSOR COUPLE responsibilities and prerequisites in assisting those preparing for Matrimony?

1 – What Canon Law & Commentary tells us about sponsorship for Baptism.

The terms used in the Latin text are patrinus and matrina.  However, the Canon Law Society of America uses the English word “Sponsor” for this office (rather than “godfather” and “godmother”).  Most Catholics who are not canon lawyers  tend to understand that ~ in English ~ it “makes sense” to speak of the Sponsors for infants as “godparents”, and to speak of the Sponsors for adults as “Sponsors.”  However, it is more complicated than that because the Rite of Christian Initiation uses the term “sponsor” for an office that is quite distinct from that of the “godparent”:

Any candidate seeking admission as a catechumen is accompanied by a sponsor, that is, a man or woman who has known and assisted the candidate and stands as a witness to the candidate's moral character, faith, and intention. It may happen that this sponsor is not the one who will serve as godparent (patrinus, matrina) for the periods of purification, enlightenment, and mystagogy; in that case, another person takes the sponsor's place in the role of godparent.

But on the day of election, at the celebration of the sacraments, and during the period of mystagogy the candidate is accompanied by a godparent (patrinus, matrina). This is a person chosen by the candidate on the basis of example, good qualities, and friendship, delegated by the local Christian community, and approved by the priest.   [Rite of Christian Initiation]

According to the Rite, the offices of sponsor and godparent are distinct. The sponsor is one who assists the catechumen during the initial stages of the journey, while the godparent accompanies the candidate at the celebration of the rite of election, at the baptism, and during the period of post-baptismal catechesis.

In presenting the responsibilities of sponsors (godparents), canon 872 mentions first the responsibility unique to adult baptism, then the responsibility unique to infant baptism, and finally two additional responsibilities common to both.

The responsibility unique to adult baptism is "to assist an adult in Christian initiation." This "assistance" is explained more fully in the Rite: to assist an adult "for the periods of purification, enlightenment, and mystagogy," that is, for the final stages of initiation. The responsibility of the sponsor at the baptism of an infant is shared conjointly with the parents: "to present an infant for baptism." Responsibilities common to both adult and infant baptism are: to assist the one baptized in living the Christian life and in fulfilling faithfully the obligations flowing from it. The Rite expands on these roles:

It is the responsibility of the godparent to show the candidate how to practice the Gospel in personal and social life and to be for the candidate a bearer of Christian witness and a guardian over growth in the baptismal life. Chosen before the candidate's election, the godparent fulfills this office publicly from the day of the election, testifying to the community about the candidate. The godparents continue to be important during the time after reception of the sacraments when the neophyte needs to be assisted to remain true to the baptismal promises. [Rite of Christian Initiation]

2 – What might we take from what Canon Law says about Sponsors for Baptism that can help us articulate SPONSOR COUPLE responsibilities in assisting couples prepare for Matrimony?

3 - It is critical, however, to point out that there are likely to be significant differences between adult catechumens (making an adult decision to choose to be baptized and live the Catholic Faith) and couples who are preparing for marriage in the Church.  These differences will need to be taken into account because they will affect the criteria for selecting and training couples for  effective SPONSOR COUPLE ministry.

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