Table of Contents for documents

Table of Contents for the documents which follow:                    [8-29-2024 - updated]

In 2016, Pope Francis wrote Amoris Laetitia, On Love in the Family, which affirmed the importance of formation for marriage and family life taking place in local parishes:

para 206. “The complexity of today's society and the challenges faced by the family require a greater effort on the part of the whole Christian community in preparing those who are about to be married....the Synod Fathers agreed on the need to involve the entire community more extensively by stressing the witness of families themselves....The Fathers also spoke of the need for specific programs of marriage preparation aimed at giving couples a genuine experience of participation in ecclesial life and a complete introduction to various aspects of family life."

The following documents have been written to focus on specific elements of setting up the use of the Sponsor Couple ® program in the parish (and a structure for diocesean support):

1 - "A Catecumenate for Marriage" [This is a NEW concept that is the Roman Catholic effort to respond to Pope Francis' effort to improve marriage preparation in Catholic parishes.]


3 - What is Sponsor Couple ®  ministry?

4 – Criteria for selecting couples to be trained for Sponsor Couple ® ministry. [This “check list” should be useful.]

5 – A Parish Plan for Marriage Preparation: REMOTE, PROXIMATE, IMMEDIATE, NEWLYWEDS.

6 – Sponsor Couple ® ministry -  A Peer to Peer process benefitting engaged couples & their sponsors.  [A unique element of “peer to peer” ministry is that both couples become learners and both couples benefit from the experience.]

7 – Diocesan Structure: Sponsor Couple ® Committee & Training. [While sponsor couples function in parishes, it is very important to establish a diocesan structure to provide appropriate support and over-sight.]

8 – Canons Law (1983): Catechesis, Preparation for Marriage & Marriage Enrichment.  [The commentary on Canon 1063 defines three phases of marriage preparation (Remote, Proximate, and Immediate)  and the importance of pastoral care beyond the wedding for married couples.]

9 – Canon Law & Sponsor Couple ® ministry for Matrimony. [Catholic Canon Law about sponsors for Baptism provides the source for defining the role of Sponsor Couples for Marriage.]

10 – Question: How to translate "Sponsor Couple ®" into Spanish. [A challenge we hope we have solved.]

11 -  [EndGame provides important statistics that parishes can make use of.]

12 - The Pastor's Handbook - Just 1 page of critical information!

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