Blog · News from For Better & For Ever - March 2020
In October 2019, Dr. Lenny Kelley, Family Life Director for the Archdiocese of Hartford CT, called me to set up a Training Day for key leadership folks who will be directing the effort to set up the use of For Better & For Ever in the parishes of their diocese. We had the Training Day on March 7, 2020. Left to Right: Me, Rob & Marian Gingras, Vincent & B.J. Raby, Thomas & Suzanne Hamling, Steve & Kathy Beirne (who came from Maine to share their many years of experience in sponsoring), Phil Smith (his wife, Linda, had to tend to another commitment that day), and Lenny Kelly. The feedback from everyone was very positive and I look forward to next steps….
News from For Better & For Ever - March 2020
30Mar2020 By Rob Ruhnke
Challenge! How can sponsor couples do their ministry when we are being directed by our civil and church leaders to “stay home” to avoid spreading Covid-19? Simple answer: go on-line! Two years ago, I celebrated the wedding of Kevin Meyers & Colleen Orth, and they went through the experience meeting with a sponsor couple. Sara & Frank are an engaged couple who wanted to use For Better & For Ever. I encouraged Kevin and Colleen to be their sponsor couple. When they started this project, none of us knew about Covid-19, but they were in 3 different cities and they decided to start having their meetings by video conference so they could deal with the approaching wedding date. They called me last week to suggest that all 6 of us (including Kevin and Colleen’s 1st born, Gabrielle) talk about the experience of doing everything On-Line. We did, and I offer 10 minutes of our video conference for you to see and hear. >
February 2020 meeting of Resource Team at the Mayan Ranch in Bandera TX. Left to right (mostly!): Charley Matt, Chuck & Carolyn Lamar, Huy Vu, Sr. Maria Flores, Tony & Heidi Battle (behind her), me, Dick Mevissen, Sharon & John Harry, Liz & Victor Bolanos, Steve Rehrauer (behind Liz & Victor). We had a great time enjoying the “horsepatality” of the Hicks family.
Two years ago, I had the pleasure of helping Ryan Hicks and Carley Inns prepare for marriage. At Christmas time, I had the additional pleasure of officiating at Carley’s Profession of Faith and sharing Holy Communion with her for the first time. On the right in the photo is Brittany Hicks who married Brett Hicks. Brittany & Brett served as the sponsor couple for Ryan & Carley; now Brittany served as the sponsor for Carley becoming Roman Catholic.
You may not know much about Lay Missionaries of the Most Holy Redeemer. Meet Jose & Teresa Oliveria, a married couple from Portugal, who are living their commitment to assist with the mission of the Redemptorists. They are taking time to travel to Redemptorist communities around the world to share their experience of collaboration with Redemptorists and they are learning ministerial skills they can take back to Portugal. They spent a few days with us here in Whittier. I shared a delightful time with them talking about For Better & For Ever and the unique ministry of sponsor couples. I am already dreaming about a Portuguese edition of For Better & For Ever being used in Portugal!