Blog · News from For Better & For Ever
In the photo from Winnipeg, L to R: Me, Marie Cormier Brunet (former Coordinator of Marriage and Family Services who wanted the French edition) & her husband, André, Maryse Chartier (French translator), Sophie Freynet-Agossa (Coordinator of Marriage and Family Services) and her husband, Wilgis.
News from For Better & For Ever
16Jun2013 By Rob Ruhnke
If you have not visited our web site recently, please take a few minutes to do that. Note the Feedback forms. Sponsor Couple are to fill out a new Feedback form each time you sponsor another couple.
Also note the Resources…for Sponsor Couples. We have included a link to a video on DAILOGUE skills. It is 80 minutes of excellent teaching by Drs. Dave & Margie McKeon. I think you will want to recommend this to engaged couples. (The quality of this video is poor, so we plan to re-film this.)
In November 2012 I went to Archdiocese of Saint-Boniface in Winnipeg for the introduction of the French edition of For Better and For Ever. (See photo at top of page)
The Family Life Director in San Antonio TX has taken a job in Wichita KS. Rosio Gonzalez will be hiring a new Family Life Director and she came to our meeting to listen to our ideas for the future of the Family Life Office. We think she listened very well and we look forward to collaboration with the new Family Life Director.
Charley & Michelle Matt (who serve on our Sponsor Couple Committee) and I spoke with Archbishop Gustavo at the annual Catholics and Jews Celebrate Hanukkah and assured him that our Committee is eager to collaborate with whoever is selected to be the next Family Life Director. He affirmed our efforts and thanked us for our commitment to the needs of the Archdiocese.
A photo of a recent meeting of Sponsor Couple Committee of San Antonio with Rosio Gonzalez (Director for Pastoral Offices). L to R: Rosio Gonzalez, Juan & Rita Guerra, Victor & Liz Bolanos, Sr. Maria Flores, Monica & Juan Bonilla, Lorena & Jaime Gallegos. Kneeling: Me. Charley & Michelle Matt, Mike & Cathy Portele had to leave before we took the photo! Tony & Heidi Battle, Brian & Angela Maurer, Joe & Angelic Rios could not attend.
Kyle Dagan & Marisa Bonilla married at Our Lady of Grace in San Antonio the weekend after Thanksgiving. Monica’s parents are Dr. Juan and Monica who serve on the San Antonio Sponsor Couple Committee.