Parish information evening...outline

Outline for church leaders Rob Ruhnke

Things to have ready: Name Tags. Have coffee, soft drinks, and light snacks available. As couples arrive and sign in, they get a packet of materials that includes:

While folks are waiting for the meeting to begin, direct couples to fill out "Marriage Questionnaire" (a simple form for getting basic basic information ~ name, addresses, etc ~ about the couple and prospective wedding date, if they have a wedding planned) and show them where to put the completed questionnaire. Explain how to write any questions on the "Form for Question Box" and put it in the Question Box.


Part One: Welcome and Opening Prayer.  Then: What kind of questions have your brought to this evening? (Note: Leader accepts and deals with questions from the group and also those in the Question Box. The goal is to establish a positive and open dialogue between the parish leader and the couples considering marriage. The person who leads this part MUST be skilled in dealing with questions in a manner that encourages adults to ask questions.)

Part Two: The leader goes on to cover the following content (unless it was already dealt with in Part One). This content should be presented as a conversation/dialogue with the group (NOT a lecture "at" them).

Part Three: "Walk" through the content of the packet

Part Four: Wrap up with a prayer. Make a point of saying, "I will be available for those who have additional questions you may prefer to ask privately."

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