Marital Spirituality

"What is Marital Spirituality"?  by Rob Ruhnke

When I ask married couples ~ and those preparing for marriage ~ this question, most folks seem hesitant in responding.  It is as if they are unsure they are giving me a good answer.

Why do I ask this question?  Mostly because I want to listen to what they might have to say, and then I want to follow-up with "tell me more about ........." (something they have said that I find interesting).

What I am trying to do is learn how they see themselves "living as disciples of Jesus".  So, it might be better to just ask that question in the first place.  Sometimes, I do start with that question.  But, whatever question I begin with, I am wanting to learn how the two of them are conscious of living a relationship that includes their relationship with God.


We live in a world in which we are constantly texed, tweeted, messaged, emailed, robo called, reached out to by news, radio,TV, Facebook, and thousands of organizations, pharmacaudical companies, fast food companies, the newest weight loss pill, even churches.  But most of what keeps us busy, anxious, thinking does not help us ask the question: What can I do NOW to better love to my spouse and my family and my God?  

That is why I ask this question about Marital Spirituality.  And even if you are Single or Divorced or Widow or vowed Celibate or Republican or Democrate, I think the NUMBER ONE PRIORITY for all of us is loving & caring for others.  Whatever "spirituality" has to be all about loving.

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