Natural Family Planning

The science of natural family planning is simple. A woman is fertile for only about 100 to 120 hours during a month. Let’s call this time period the “window of fertility.” By avoiding sexual intercourse during the window of fertility, pregnancy can be avoided. This method can also help achieve pregnancy by understanding the fertility cycle better and learning when the probability of conceiving is highest. The question that various natural family planning methods are trying to answer is “How do I determine exactly when the window of fertility starts and ends?” If the window could be determined with 100% accuracy, then natural family planning would be a nearly perfect family planning method. However, the window can be estimated with high probability by observing changes in specific things, such as, temperature, mucus, and cervical changes.

The following links take you to pages that offer you several different approaches to natural family planning. Also be sure to check the books page for good books on the subject.


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