Blessing of Sponsor Couple ™ ministry team by Pastor

A Blessing for the Sponsor Couple Ministry Team

With hands outstretched

Almighty and loving God,

Having nurtured and fortified these couples through many years in the sacred bond of marriage, you have called them to be witnesses and living signs of your faithfulness and saving love.

Look with favor on…
Mike and Chris, George and Mary, Doug and Lynn, Kelly and Cathy, as they enter into ministry with the engaged couples of our parish,  sharing with them their experiences of marital joys and challenges, accompanying them in their own preparations for the sacrament of marriage, and leading couples into deeper understanding of one another and of you.                                                                                               

Lord, you have exalted and made their partnership holy by Your grace. Bless them in this new ministry that they graciously undertake, and make this ministry bear fruit in strong and holy marriages

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit.


[Composed 2015 by Erin Brennan, Coordinator of Faith Formation, at St. Margaret of Scotland parish, St. Louis MO.  You are welcome to use this in your own parish.]

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